I just bought a WD Elements 4To external driver. My purpose was to download Paragon 15 for mac in order to use the NTFS format both for reading and writing on it, and also to be able to use it sometimes on a Windows PC.
I cannot find out how to use on my Mac OsX High Sierra 10.13 !
Problems :
- The finder doesn’t show the WD elements ? How comes ? (well, i could see it before I migrated from OsX 10.9 to OsX 10.13 => I had to do so to get Paragon 15 able to work then)
- I can see the WD driver when going into the Disk Utility Driver
- I tried to format it on an another format (Ex Fat or Fat 32) but it tells me I have not enough storage on my “périphérique” (I have 100 Go available on my Mac internal HD !!!)
Well … Here I am … Unable to find out the solution if any ?
I’ve read (and learnt !) so many things (FAQ, etc …) but no way …
Would someone be able to help me around ?
PS : Sorry for my English (Hope not so bad for a French !)
See you !
And thanks for your help and advices !