WD Elements 107C cant connect to TV

I have a Samsung le37c650l1w and i dont know whats wrong there i tried a 1TB Datastation Pocket express from Trecktor and it worked with the Video file i tried but with the 3TB WD nothing… the TV tells me the modell name of the WD and when i go on the info tab it tells me 0mb free space and 0 mb of files.

2 possible causes

  1. There may be a hard drive maximum size limitation eg. 2TB may be the max supported ? Consult your User Manual to check

  2. TV may not support GPT Partitions (which all new WD drives have) … TV may only support MBR Partitions (which your 1TB Datastation probably is)

If its 2… can i change it from GPT to MBR ?
