Hello everyone, I have a WD Passport Essential 500 GB, when I connect to the pc is not recognized and wrote out the window with the disk format necessary. I did an analysis of the disc with “HD Tune” and it showed 3 errors. But I can not format the disk without retrieving the data, and then when I’m stopped. It’s happened to someone? Can anyone help me? thanks
Can you see your passport as a drive??
I am running windows xp and I use this a lot when my WD drives are acting up!
Open My Computer by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop.
Right-click on the drive letter that you wish to check for errors (usually c: and click on the Properties menu item.
Choose the “Tools” tab and click on the Check Now… button.
Two options are available in the next window:
Automatically fix file system errors will correct many file system errors detected. This is highly recommended.
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors will perform a search for areas of the hard drive that may be damaged or unusable. If found, this tool will mark those areas as “bad” and prevent your computer from using them in the future. This is a very useful feature but may extend the scan time as much as a few hours.
Click Start.
Allow the Error Checking program to run its course until complete.
Restart the PC if prompted to do so.
I’ve try to do what you tell me but the system tell me that is impossible to do the scan on the drive. The pc tell always to me that need to format my device (passport essential). ALso with the Wd Smart wave see the device (e:) but not the files. How can i do to have my file back?
Thanks a lot