I have a PR4100 and have been using WD Access to map network drives for users. I just did a windows install on a new system and the download for WD Access is not on the software page. Also, in the support section for installing WD Access the link for both Windows and Mac leads to a 404 page. Is there a new product that I should be using that takes the place of WD Access? Is there a time frame in which it will be added back to the software page? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I found a version here … but it’s not an official WD Site or Download link (site is full of popups and probably malware)
The file is named … WDAccess_1.4.5949.29996.zip
so, i went to the Official WD Downloads Section and took note that all working software download links from WD’s servers begin with … https://downloads.wdc.com/wdapp/ and are then followed by the name of the software zip file.
so, i pasted the above filename into the official WD Download link … like this
and it works
Thanks Joey.
I just got a response this morning from WD support and they have ended life on WD Access. Support sent me the following links:
WD Access End of Support
How To Map a WD Network Drive on Windows 10
I followed their instructions on this and was able to connect to my PR4100… I just wish they had made this information more readily available and easy to find on their support site.
I hope this helps anyone else who might be looking for this.