Warranty replacement drive not seen by WD backup software

connected Passport to USB port on system, same as previous drive which failed, not through a hub - the WD utilities say "attach a supported WD drive, which I just did, so I closed it …the "WD smartware’ takes minutes to come up and shows my C,F,N,O and P drives as externals as backup sources, and shows nothing in the backup target. by clicking settings i get only file hx and retrived folder buttons to explore - and doesn’t want me to exit the smartware, or my coninuous backup won’t work - the Passport still shows NOTHING on the drive, in windows 7 explorer, which shows all my drives perfectly normally - clicking on WD Backup causes NOTHING to come up…

hoping this is an easy fix - seems I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled everything twice now, trying to get a clean install…must be something simple…

Hi UltraDawg,

You can refer to the links given below find to troubleshoot the issue.

You can also contact WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

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