When I first got my WD hard drive everything worked perfectly. movies, tv shows, photos, and music would transfer quickly utilizing usb 3.0 ports on my computer. all of the sudden out of nowhere, when I try to open my movies files it wont let me and it asks me to format the entire drive. Well I have over 250 gigs of data on the hard drive and I don’t want to lose that. I tried copying things I didn’t want to lose to my desktop and errors occurred. the transfer speed has dropped significantly. To the point where I cant even move a movie without it saying its going to take 2 or more hours and then failing to copy in the long run. I bought this less than 2 months ago to take on a deployment with me and I haven’t even gotten out of or premobillization station before errors started to occur. I cant leave post to have a computer guru try to extract data so right now im kinda screwed. I would like to either a) receive a replacement, b) be refunded in full, or c) have the hard drive repaired and returned to original optimum operating speeds and reliability. Please help me get this issue resolved before I leave this country and recourses become even more limited.
As a recommendation, test the drive using the WD DLG tool.
See the following link
How to test a drive for problems using Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows