I’m new to this forum so please let me know if I’m missing something. I searched for this issue but couldn’t find anything…
I just received a 16TB G-SPEED Studio R and want to change the RAID configuration. From the manual and other posts on this forum I know that I need to delete the current Logical Drive before creating a new one. However, when I attempt to access the Logical Drive menu of the G-Speed utility I receive an error (unsupported management command):
I’m running an iMac with 10.12.6 as an administrator. I left the drive connected over the weekend to initialize by I’m still having this issue. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Go up to the G-Speed Studio Software Utility text on the top bar and click on check for updates. See if there is a firmware update for your unit and if so let it do the updates and restart your computer.
Is the system you are using a newer Mac with a TB3 connection or is it a TB2 connection?
The link Louie sent me is for the software labeled macOS 10.9-10.11 (while I’m running 10.12). I imagine a future update will resolve this issue but the old software appears forward compatible for now. Hopefully this will help others with macOS 10.12
I’m using TB2 on a Late 2015 iMac. I didn’t try to update the firmware because the option didn’t come up - it was greyed out.