So I dropped my Passport HD by accident earlier today.I plugged it in and fiddled with it under Disk Management and My Computer>Properties.Nothing helped.In the My Computer window,it says my HD has 476/700 of free space.But when I go into the hard drive,and go look through the folders,they are all empty.No video,no music.But the sub folders for everything are still there.However,under the Pictures folder,all my pictures are still there,but they are “corrupt”.I can’t view them.I tried copy and pasting the whole thing onto my computers HD,but an error message came up saying the files could not be located.But according to my passport,there aren’t any files on it to begin with.I tried doing a defrag just to see if it would help,but defrag won’t even run on this hard drive.
I downloaded a few different data recovery programs,and let one of them run for almost 4 hours and it came up with nothing.I am super confused with this.The files (ie,the videos and music) seem to be ghosts.They are there,but I can’t see them.I looked into Data Recovery companies,but it would coust me a couple hundred dollars (or over 1.2k for Geek Squad).I don’t want to spend that much.
How far did you get with the utility - meaning did the utility manage to the directories and files ?
As per entries in the SMART counters, the drives are equipped with an ‘emergency retract’ protection, so together with the rubber bearings your ‘average drop’ shouldn’t result necessarily in damage to the heads or a head-crash.
Unless that entry is only a dummy and/or WD chose not to equip the drives with the required drop sensor as well…