TRIM in ReadyCache?

I am running ReadCache as a separate SSD. I am not running ExpressCache.

The system is Windows 7 AHCI mode. Chipset is G33 express. TRIM works fine on other SSDs.

When I use trimcheck to check the SSD, it indicates that TRIM does not work on this SSD.

Can I confirm whether TRIM works on this SSD?

No-one, not even the folks at Sandisk, knows the answer?

If TRIM is not enabled, can Sandisk provide firmware update, or a tool to enable TRIM.

TRIM, anybody?

SanDisk ReadyCache drive doesn’t support Deterministic Read Zero after Trim (DZAT), it only supports Deterministic Trim (DRAT). When DRAT is set, all read commands to the LBA after a Trim shall return the same data, or become determinate. SanDisk ReadyCache drive returns the same data.

Trimcheck tool expects to return zero after TRIM, which is applicable to DZAT, so this test result is not applicable for the ReadyCache SSD.

Forum Admin


I appreciate your reply.

Some people say that DRAT is not good for security. It’s alright for me, whether DRAT or DZAT.