First of all please accept my apology if my topic is into a wrong section.
This is about “My Book”3TB that I am having problem with.
The problem is that whenever I start up my desktop PC. Then I am getting the following message:
Trash in the H:\is corrupt. Empty Trash for this drive?
Even I try both method YES or NO Nothing help at all . . .
I am very much upset by this problem.
All this happened after for the first time I clean/empty my “Trash”. Before that all everything was perfect. No message right after PC start up.
Someone already tried to help. But message still comes up after PC start up.
No I didnt did that. Because almost over 2TB private documents are there.
The problem is that when I turn OFF and then turn ON my desktop PC. Then I getting this message ready on my Desk.
All this happened after for the first time I clean/empty my bin on desk.