Hi All… I have a computer that’s on its last legs and I have a new one coming here in a few days.
If all goes well, I’d like to put everything from my external harddrive back-up to the new computer.
Does anyone know the following:
- Do the MyBook Essentials backup our software programs too or just our files?
- Can I just tell it to put everything on the new computer without having it override the 8.1 Windows operating system with the old Windows 7 operating system?
I’m sure I’ll have other questions, but those are my big concerns for now. I’d really love to NOT have to take the computer to a store and pay someone $150 to do this for me. Any help is appreciated.
- Do the MyBook Essentials backup our software programs too or just our files?
The backup software that comes with this unit, does not backup softwares, just the files.
2. Can I just tell it to put everything on the new computer without having it override the 8.1 Windows operating system with the old Windows 7 operating system?
Restoring a backup wont override the OS. Since you are going to retrieve the files on a different computer, the file structure will be a bit different, so as a recommendation, retrieve the files to a specific location.
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Thanks for your quick response.
That’s disappointing about software not being backed up, but I guess I understand. I hope I can find all the software disks for everything I had on my old computer.
So… if software and operating system don’t get backed up and restored, if someone had a virus… that probably wouldn’t go on to the new computer either, right? Not that I have any, but I like ot be extra paranoid. ;-)
BTW, what do you mean “retrieve the files to a specific location”? Do I make a folder (like “Laura’s old computer”) and throw all the restores in there?