Too much trouble.

For something that is supposed to make life easier, this sure is a pain in my butt.
I purchased the Sansa clip for my dad who is not only computer ignorant, but has been chastising me about “legal” downloads.
Upon opening it, he seemed to enjoy it.  Its been a few days now and he decided to sign up for Rhapsody to go…   It will not allow any transfer to the device. 
I am a long time techy and computer user and am trying to help him out.  The stupid error messeage about certifiation comes up.  I’ve rebooted, formatted, upgraded firmware to 18, changed usb, power off/on, screamed at it , and punched my dog in the face, and it still is not working. 
Is there any wonder why people just buy Ipods and download a ton of illegal music?  Why in the world would I need to go from the store to the computer and upgrade my firmware?  Should that be an auto update option that is essentially hands off?  Who is not using their brains when it comes to this stuff.  I’m sure they make millions, and it looks like they don’t even use focus groups.  Put 10 60yr olds in a room with your product in the package and an internet connection.  If they can all, I repeat ,all figure it out, then you can ship it.  We should not have to go rifling through forums to find answers to dumb problems that should have been solved on your drawing boards.
 My plan is just to pay the diff and get him into a player that works, then cancel his already paid sub to Rhapsody. 
I meanwhile will go back to my fully fuctional Ipod classic and torrents. 
I’m sure someone will find terrible offense to this and either delete it or me.   Oh well, thats apparently par for the quality of this course.
PS.  This is not directed at the attempted help found in the forums, that is appreciated, but instead to Sandisk and Sansa for making it neccessary to use such forums.

you punched your dog in the face?! that’s soooo cruel!!

i don’t know how to help you. i just felt the need to let you know how i feel about what you did. sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry that you had problems.  I’ve had none (but I don’t use DRM’d music) and the player has been great, with great sound.

Did you buy your Clip at Best Buy or some such similar place that throws in a CD with the CliP? If so…that is the problem- these third party CD’s that try and get you to subscribe to some proprietary music service like Rhapsody, seem to be causing alot of problems. You don’t need to install any software to use the Clip- if you just plug the Clip in and drag and drop files onto it, it works fine.

And I sure hop[e you were kidding about punching your dog in the face!!! That’s not at all funny.  :robotmad:

Nope, no third party discs.  My dog is my life, I would just assume punch an old lady in the face than her. 
I’m actually not even that happy with my Ipod classic.  I’m going to craigslist it and get the new Zune.  Its the glitchiest ipod
I have owned yet.  I don’t even know how to put photos on it.  I saw the directions to format them to go on and just started laughing.

allteeth wrote:
Nope, no third party discs.  My dog is my life, I would just assume punch an old lady in the face than her. 
I’m actually not even that happy with my Ipod classic.  I’m going to craigslist it and get the new Zune.  Its the glitchiest ipod
I have owned yet.  I don’t even know how to put photos on it.  I saw the directions to format them to go on and just started laughing.

You may have just gotten a defective Clip, then. (I don’t know how accurate this is…but from what I’ve seen on various forums, it seems to me that the blue ones are more often defective- I initially wanted a blue one too- but as they are harder to find and usually more expensive, I went with the Candy Apple red one…and it worked fine from the first time I plugged it in- and I’m not a computer whiz either). Hmmm…the scarcity of blue ones may indeed indicate that they are more likely to be defective…

Glad to hear that you love your dog! My dogs are my life too!(My 80 lb. pit mix sleeps in bed with me!) :smiley:

My 70lb Catahoula is napping with me right now.  Off topic I know.  blah blah blah click no worky.  I takey back.  He’s using a transmitter thingy in his truck anyway… sounds like poop. 

allteeth wrote:
My 70lb Catahoula is napping with me right now.  Off topic I know.  blah blah blah click no worky.  I takey back.  He’s using a transmitter thingy in his truck anyway… sounds like poop. 

((((((Cllipman tries to look inconspicuous as he engages in his patented knack for taking any forum off-topic))))

Those are nice bow-wows! They look like a cross between a pit and coonhound.

My guess is that you need to get the device clock updated.
To do this, you need to have WMP 11 installed.
Plug the Clip in MTP mode, then open WMP 11 and go the Sync tab.
It will prompt you to update the Clip’s clock.
Also, make sure the date on the PC is correct.

For more details:\_adp.php?p\_faqid=5224

Only a device format can fix this problem.

Format from the computer wont help it.

Unplug the device,  go to Settings>Format>Yes.

Then try to sync with Rhapsody again.

I did it.   I updated the time with WMP 11, I formated it within the device, I updated the firmware…and none of it worked.    Its okay.  I already took it  back.
Thanks for the help guys/gals, honestly you have been very helpfull. 
To Sandisk/Sansa, you guys lost a customer, now he just wants an Ipod.