Hi there. New (non IT specialist) user of WD Passport here. I really like the product but… Every time I run a backup I get an error message telling me that 6 files have “failed to backup”. I won’t list them all as it won’t let me copy and paste and it’s too tedious to type but… they start HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and all end with .ubbackup.rest.bak.
The only exception is one simply named UPPS.bin.
Are these files important or should I ignore the error?
And if they ARE important, any thoughts on how I rectify the error.
Thanks for your reply. I’m using WD’s own back-up software. Since your reply made me think about that, I checked to see if there were any updates available. I installed the latest version, ran a backup and - hey presto - it no longer shows those missed files.
So, thank you very much for the prompt - I seem to be running OK now.