Good afternoon!
I have a problem, connected to the computer the disk SSD WD GREEN SATA SSD 480 Gb, wanted to establish AcronisTrueImage WDEdition, but the program is not started and gives an error message.
Mistake screen in an investment.
Please, help to solve a problem.
This is probably not useful of OP, so this is more for future users with same problem. I have the Green 240 SSD, Acronis did start for me and True Image can be run, but it always fails and takes a very long time to do it’s job, it is better to use another cloning software.
I tried at least 2-3 hours to clone, once it cloned but boot partition’s size was not the same!! It also put me in an endless boot loop, almost could not get into bios to change primary boot (had to hit DEL quickly, and not just hold down). And Acronis True Image always get stuck calculating size and then it will display that small loader popup forever when going onto next step. Acronis True Image is very very slow and bad software.
Searched internet, someone who tried even longer than me to clone HDD with Acronis suggested a different cloning software – Macrium Reflect (free edition for personal use), it worked beautifully, 21 minutes to clone my drive, I was easily able to omit a partition on my HDD, and after reboot and setting primary boot in bios, Windows was finally running on my WD Green SSD. Yes, my PC is much more responsive now.
WD if you are reading this, please please for your own good and for your customers, dump Acronis and go with Macrium Reflect. Seagate also uses Acronis, shhhh, don’t tell them about Macrium Reflect, their users will suffer the same fate (wasting their time) when cloning with Acronis.
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Thank you for a piece of good advice. I will try to clone the disk SDD on Macrium Reflect.
Good day.