My WD MyPassport is (mostly) correctly backing up. Yesterday it created this directory
WD SmartWare.wtor
which seems like a very odd permutation on the “swstor” suffix. The directory contains a directory tree which backed up some recent changes on one of my drives, but mis-spelled one of the subdirectory names.
Very odd. I’d appreciate hearing ideas.
I’ll recommend you to scan the drive with a antivirus software since that directory that was created does not look familiar to us.
If you wanna make sure that the folder is not being created by the software, try making some changes to the files and check the drive to see if a new folder was created.
Thanks for the suggestion. I do not think that a virus or malware explains this. If I remove the odd directory, it stays “gone” until I start WD SmartWare; at which time it re-creates itself. This happens for both manual start-up and a scheduled backup.
Another connection: the odd directory corresponds to the path of 2 files that report under “Files Not Backed Up.” These files are in exact same path:
H:\WD SmartWare.wtor\GUMBY\Volume.92370740.8913.11e2.aa6e.806d6172696f\Viual Studio\FVS\ON
H:\WD SmartWare.swstor\GUMBY\Volume.92370740.8913.11e2.aa6e.806d6172696f\Visual Studio\FVS\ON
I think it could be significant that the odd .wtor directory and its odd pathname are missing all instances of the lowercase letter ‘s’ ; that they report they were not backed up, and that even when I make altered copies of the two files, they are still not backed up as a newer copy (with the decorated name).
I think this is a defect of some kind.
_ Q: where is the information about “Files Not Backed Up” stored on my local machine? _