I purchased my Sansa Fuze a couple of weeks ago for the express purpose of putting instructional chess videos on it, in order to view them on a plane flight during an upcoming trip.
Like many (as I gather from exploring this forum), I wondered just how to transfer video from a DVD to the Fuze. As I also gather from exploring the forum, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish, even if you have the right kind of software, and there seems to be a fair degree of frustration over how to do this.
After numerous tries, I finally came up with an approach that has worked twice in a row for me, so it may be reliable. :-) I’d like to share it with the forum folks here, in case you too are banging your head against the wall trying to transfer a DVD into your Fuze. I posted it in the Sansa Media Converter section under Accessories: http://forums.sandisk.com/sansa/board/message?board.id=smc&thread.id=1991 . In case I didn’t get the link to work, the thread title is, “SUCCESS! DVD Converted for Fuze: A How-to”.
I’ve posted this reference to another section because it’s here that most Fuze users seem to congregate – the SMC section, where I put the message, doesn’t have nearly as much traffic, so relatively few are likely to see it otherwise.
I post this in the hope that it might spare you some of the headaches (and late nights) it cost me trying to figure out how to make this work, and I apologize in advance if in the process I’ve unwittingly stepped on anybody’s toes. I’m new around here, and I don’t know where the minefields are…