SSD erase authonomously file copie in it


i ve a problem with my ssd disk 1 tb.

today i ve copied some photos and videos on it. i ve browsed them opening directly from ssd and then  i ve removed it from the  the pc (i Was in an internet cafe near la paz).  Later i ve plugged the ssd in another pc and i ve Found only files i ve copied yesterday. So i ve tried another time to copy other video and photos on the ssd disk and the result is the Same. I ve removed the ssd disk and then i ve plugged it and i ve found only old files.

could you help me please? (I m doing a tour in south America with my motorbike and i need my ssd works to download photo and videos from the micro sd)

thanks a lot



i ve capire on ssd a word file. It is not deleted.

i don t understand the problem with photos and videos