[SOLVED] Drive Beeps During Windows Startup, But Otherwise is Fine

My Western Digital portable hard drive model WDBACX0010BBK-NESN makes a ‘beep’ sound when my computer is starting or restarting. It makes one ‘beep’ approximately every two seconds and continues to beep until my computer arrives at the Windows login screen; then the beeping stops.

I am using Windows 8.1 x64. The firmware version for my drive is 1003.

My drive is detected in the BIOS and recognized by Windows. I am not seeing any error messages. My drive appears to work perfectly.

I ran Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostics on my drive and performed the Quick Test. My drive passed the Quick Test. My drive passes all of the S.M.A.R.T tests performed by Data LifeGuard - every one. In addition, Data LifeGuard reports that the “Health Status” of my drive is Good.

Why does my drive make a beep sound every two seconds during Windows startup, and is this the sign of a problem?


As an experiment, I restarted my computer without my drive being attached. (My drive is bus powered.) Not only were there no beeps, as I expected, but Windows started much faster!

It does seem like something not good is going on with my drive.

EDIT #2:

Problem solved. I have a 2-port USB 3.0 adapter card. The port into which my Western Digital drive was plugged is dead. My drive is fine. I have to replace the adapter card. Thanks for your patience.


Thanks for comming back to post the solution.