Smartware Shows Up Problem with my WD Elements Ext. Drive


I am trying to get to some data on an external WD Elements drive (with display panel) and it comes up with “non writeable partition”, Is all lost as it shows still on display panel the Drive name and capacity free and used etc?

I am running Windows 10 .

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi NevUK ,

It seems that the drive is non-accessible. May be you can try to run the diagnostics on the drive to check for any bad sectors. Try the link for the diagnostics test:

If there are no bad sectors found, then probably you can format the drive in NTFS or exFAT file system.

Note: Formatting is a data destructive process and cannot be undone.

Hi Peter,
Thanks for your reply, I have tried Lifeguard Diag. and to no avail , and I would not like to format as I would lose a lot of data.Regards Nev Ord