Last week I downloaded SmartWare Pro trial software, installed it and activated backup by category. I am running XP SP3 and am using a 1TB HD Elements drive as my backup disk. I did this to replace Nero Backitup because it has been such a resource hog.
I have two hard disk drives on my system and I would like to back them both up. Smartware seems to only allow you to select one drive to backup “from”.
It took 3 days to do any backing up which was a surprise.
As (bad) luck would have it, I needed to recover a file I accidently overwrote. When I went looking for it in the backup, the entire series of directories where my backup was was MISSING,
viz (should have been the hierarchy):
Koalas and Environment
Koala Sightings
Sightings 2012-13.xls
However, the backup had NO DIRECTORIES below Koala Sightings and consequently no file to restore. I tried a search of the entire elements drive in case it was “hiding” somewhere else but no luck.
I can’t find any documentation that states a restriction on the number of levels of directories.
Unless 1 & 3 are addressed, I gues I won’t be shelling out money when the trial period expires.