I recently noticed that any files created using the Windows 10 “print to PDF” feature aren’t being seen by my WD Smartware backup software, and therefore not getting backed up. PDF files saved by other means are recognized just fine. For instance, if I open them in Reader and save a copy it’s seen immediately, but the original isn’t even visible. I use the print to PDF feature a great deal so it seems like a big problem, but I can barely find any mention of it and what did dated back to March. Anyone have any insight on this?
Have you done a Google search on, print to PDF Windows 10? Are you saving the documents after you create them?
Check this out and see if it helps. How to Print to PDF in Windows | Digital Trends
That is the print to PDF feature I’m referring to and it works great. Why Smartware doesn’t recognized these files is the mystery. I’ve tried google, but have found no answers so far. I’m currently opening the PDFs created this way and saving over the original with Adobe Reader so that Smartware can see them and back them up. I’m finding many important files weren’t backed up because if it, so the lack of information on the issue is a little surprising.
Here is what happened when I created a PDF document using Print to PDF. The image below shows the document.
This was a Word document I opened and used the Print to PDF. It was saved to My Documents.
The image below shows this PDF document after being saved, backed up, to SmartWare. Click on, tap or activate image to enlarge it.
Curious, that doesn’t happen for me and apparently never has. When I view the folders in Smartware that it is set to back up, any PDF created using this method doesn’t even appear as an option. As if they aren’t even there.
It’s a new computer and a fresh install of all software so everything is up to date, but even the files created using the print to PDF feature that I copied over from my last system have the same issue. It’s really quite strange. Thank you for testing it though.