I am running Microsoft Windows Vista with all of the latest updates & patches.
I just purchased a 2TB My Passport Slim drive. I registered and then updated the backup s/w to the latest version: WD Smartware Pro 2.4.2
I then set up a backup schedule to backup my "My “Documents” folder and several other locations. At the end of the backup Smartware reported a significant number of files had NOT been backed up. After investigating I found that the contents of several sub-folders under my “Documents” folder which are encrypted (as outlined here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/when-should-i-encrypt-files-and-folders ) were the cause of the errors.
None of the files in any of my encrypted folders were backed up. I was logged in as the user of these folders when I did the backup, and was surpised that the s/w did not backup any of these files / folders - does anyone know of a solution for this issue?
I submitted a ticket on 8/17 which was closed without any valid reply.
I submitted a second ticket last week and just recevied the reply below from support …
I’m not at all happy with the situation, but … it is what it is.
I will probably return the drive, I can see no valid reason for SmartWare to not be able to handle Microsoft’s encryption protocol.
_**Thank you for contacting Western Digital Customer Service and Support. My name is .**_
_ **We apologize for the inconvenience. Since you are using the WD SmartWare backup software to backup your files, it's not possible for the software to backup encrypted files, you might be able to manually transfer the files to the WD drive through Windows Explorer.** _
_ **Should you have any further questions, please reply to this e-mail and we will be more than happy to assist you further.** _
_ **Sincerely,** _
_ **Western Digital Service and Support** _