I have an two partitions on two internal drives which I both backup to the same 1TB WD myPassport USB disc.
With the earlier Version, it seemed to work perfectly and I was (blindly trusting) the software so far to do its job.
However, since the upgrade to Version 2.0 I can not use the SmartWare GUI at all.
I am using the German Version so please forgive possible translation mistakes of mine.
While the Restore / Settings and Help Tab seem to work, the GUI freezes and does not react if I try to open the Start or Backup Tab.
So I am not sure if there is any backup made at all and i start to seriously distrust the Version 2.0.
However, at the moment I am reliying on another backup solution (manually zip-archiving my discs)
Where could the problem be?
Does the new Version try to do some additional internet communication which might be blocked by my security settings or Kaspersky Internet Security 2013?
Are there no other user’s experiencing the same problems?
Well, i think I will use WD only for what I bought, a 1-TB harddisc and with the assumption that there is no free lunch I will remove all the wd software and look for a stable trustworthy software solution.
Sad, i really liked the continous backup idea of SmartWare…
I’m experiencing the same issues you do since I’ve updated to version 2.0 (using Win 7, 64bit). The GUI only seems to work partially but not fully. I’ve tested the “abruf” function in creating files on my C and D Drive and checking if I could locate them on the my book live. I could find all of my test files and therefore think the backup is working properly, but the GUI doesn’t at all. By the way the issue is not appearing using Windows 8 (I have tested that on an other device).
Hope that WD is fixing the bug with Win 7, 64 bit quickly
I can not reach the MyBookLive or MyLiveBook - never learn the proper order… - thru an URL that used to work. As I see it the problem started with this new issue of SmartWare that supports DropBox but nothing else it seems…