When I drag songs from iTunes to Clip+ the Mac crashes and I have to reboot. Dragging songs from a finder window works fine, but that’s much less convenient than dragging directly from iTunes. Help! Thanks.
See what happens when you do the same thing with a spare thumb drive to determine if a clip or mac/itunes problem.
I tried it with a thumb drive & that worked fine… other ideas?
Your Clip+ must be in MSC mode. Not MTP and not Auto Defect.
Also realize that it will also insert ‘ghost’ files which will appear as duplicates but with a '._ ’ at the bginning of the file name. These will have to be deleted as they are for the Finder only and will only cause confusion and trouble on your ‘non-pod’.
See this post.
Your Clip+ must be in MSC mode. Not MTP and not Auto Defect.
Also realize that it will also insert ‘ghost’ files which will appear as duplicates but with a '._ ’ at the bginning of the file name. These will have to be deleted as they are for the Finder only and will only cause confusion and trouble on your ‘non-pod’.
See this post.
One more thing . . . I hope you aren’t trying to copy over Apple proprietary format files like .m4p or .aac. These won’t won’t on the Clip+ and will have to be converted to .mp3 format.
Edit: OK, 1 more one more thing . . . did you notice this isn’t the Clip+ board? :stuck_out_tongue:
Message Edited by Tapeworm on 07-17-2010 12:56 PM