OK…I know it is 6 years old, and I am novice.
I am trying to retrieve pictures from my My Book Essential bought in 2010, and now installed on a 2011 HP windows 10, 8GB i7. My pic files on my PC have specific folder names. None of these folder names are displayed on the My Book Essential files when I select ‘retrieve some files’ . ‘Pictures’ with 7GB is shown in the screen display of the My Book content, but when I try to view pics prior to retrieve all that shows is the C drive and many files names that are long alpha/numeric file names I don’t recognize at all.When I expand this none of the picture folder names are shown, so I can’t select a specific pic folder, e.g., vacation 2012, to attempt to retrieve. So I decided to try to backup the pic file folders again. But when I clicked on ‘start back up’, nothing happened. I am suspicious that it is no longer working. After spending $142 at computer service center I now have ‘Drop box’ installed, but to stay under the 2g threshold for ‘free’ storage it was suggested to keep pics on the My Book external drive and use drop box for other documents. So that is what I am trying to do, and why I have been trying to access pics on the external drive to see if in fact they are there. Long explanation I know… Help would be appreciated.
Which version fo WD SmartWare is the one you run in your computer? The file structure you are mentioning does no longer exist starting from update version 1.3, and the app is currently past 2.0 revision.
If the backup was made using a recent version of WD SmartWare then you should be able to see a folder (SWSTOR) within your WD My Book holding your data. The files within this folder should have the same structure of the original computer.
Thanks for reply. OK…maybe success. I have version 2.4.12. I do find SWSTOR under dropdown menu of MY BOOK (L)and I find my pictures when I look under the retrieve tab in My Book. So maybe this is success? Would I be wise to buy a new WD My book as this is a 2010 version? thanks again for quick reply Trancer. very helpful…
They share the same backup program. The application is updated for older units.
I meant navigating your WD My Book through Windows Explorer, not through WD SmartWare.
OK will try explorer.thanks