removing a playlist

I’ve had my SanDisk M240 for over a year now and no problems after I learned how to use it correctly. (You gotta be 5% smarter than the stuff you work with. I know, it should be 10% but the rule was lowered for me.)  ;-)  I use my SanDisk mainly for downloading and listening to books.  They usually load directly into the albums and show up as an album to play.  This last book however, has expired and will not clear from the play list.  It won’t play and just shows up in the title.  When I push to play or pause I get the message that it has expired and I should resink it.  When I resink, nothing happens.  I can download and run different titles but that one stays stuck in the play list.  The file does not show up on the computer interface folder in the M240. Does anyone know how to clear the title from the playlist on the M240?  thanks.