I just recently purchased the 1TB Passport and I am trying to reformat it for my MacBook. I initially attempted to perform the Erase through Disk Utility, by selecting ‘My Passport’, however ‘FAT32’ was not an option, I only had ‘MS-DOS (FAT)’, which did not work, and ‘ExFAT’, along with other ‘Mac OS Extended…’ options. I also tried what was in another post listed here:
Go to Disk Utility again, if the drive is seen click on the one that shows the capacity and the name of the drive, then instead of going to erase go to partition, on partition do this:
Volume Scheme - Select 1 Partition on the drop down menu
Rename the drive, delete untiltled 1 and use another name more confortable for you
Make sure on Format says Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Click on Options > Select Apple Partition Map > click OK
Click Apply > click Partition
This also did not work for me. It said that it could not unmount the disk. Please help me get my external to work on my Mac!!