I just bought an Extreme 2 480GB, and i am very happy with the product so far.
I read alot on the internet about optimization OS’s for SSD’s, but tbh i dont believe half of it. Is there any recommendations that Sandisk have for my drive in regards to making it and or my computer perform better?
IE: do you recommend turning off drive indexing? Turning off page file? Enabling write caching? Disabling hibernation? Any other quirks like that? I had a breif look through the website but couldn’t find anything, so sorry if its already listed somewhere, just point me in it’s direction Otherwise , any advice would be welcome.
I signed up for this forum because i found the most organized well compiled easiest to understand overall guidebto optimizing an ssd in general, however I do use win 8.1 and plan on contining not to upgrade to 10 because it tried to force me,lucilly my ssd did not have enough space available for the download, and i since then disabled everything to do with the upgrade, pop ups and force dls. Have also since found 2 excellent dashboards one click binaries that will ensire windows 10 will not be forced on those who dont want it!
In replies to dr luckys amswer, yes 8.1 will recognize and optimize depending on the age model and features of your machine. A newer PC with a fancy updates BIOS will likely need no help with an SSD provided its on ACHI mode. However if an older say Dell Inspiron without ACHI option will run better with ssd, however only in RAID OR IDE, and Windows will see this as a hard disk drive, not solid-state. That is a problem since it will attempt to defragment it instead of a fast 1 second trim/optimize which will quickly kill the SSD.
Make sure your PC is running a later bios capable of ACHI and only use that with an ssd, if 16gb or more RAM disable page file, disable hibernation, disable viewing last access time in Explorer, as that’s a read and write everytime you even look at a folder or in most cases many r/w. I suggest if you’re not sure go to http://echostorms.net where my buddy that showed me some tricks and has himself written batch operation super small programs that will help out, from beginner to advanced. Hope this helps.