After each back-up session I receive a message ‘The media is write protected’ and I am told to back up everything again which takes a lot of time. How do I get rid of this message? This is a new computer HP + new Backup hard drive and I have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it.
Hi there, can you provide more details like the software you are using for backups or if you have a password?
Also need to know what OS Windows 7 and Vista can be very picky on permissions and sharing.
Thanks for your reply. First of all I am not very computer literate yet. I just bought a new HP computer and a short time ago I moved all my files from my last unit to this new one. I bought a new ‘My Book’ from Costco and hooked it up last Sunday. It seemed to work fine and backed up the files but when it was finished there was a message saying ‘Check your back up’ and then a notice ‘The Media is write protected’ and My Book could not complete the back up’ with two alternatives. 1. Try to run back up again 2. Change back up settings. I had scheduled the next back up daily as my Computer for Dummies book suggested setting it up to back up files every day. On Monday morning I got the same message and clicked ’ Try to run back up again’ I did that and when it was done - again I got the message ‘The Media is write protected’ . As far as I know I have no media on the computer yet. I haven’t downloaded anything - nor did I move anything over from my last computer that would create a problem as far as I know. I should probably phone Western Digital and see what they say but if you have any thoughts I would be glad to hear from you.
Look in your Dummies book about sharing and permissions and check them out. You will need to allow full permission. Sometimes Windows 7 and Vista are really cranky about this. I’m assuming you have Windows 7. Did you recently install SP1? I had sharing/permission problems with my externals after updating to SP1 a few days ago.
Thanks Joe…I will try your suggestion.