I retired my Windows Vista computer and purchased a new windows 10 computer. I have two external “My Book Essential” USB hard drives which are used to backup my computer. On my Vista computer every thing worked fine. While doing a backup on my Windows10 computer I got an error saying it could not find the destination drive (My Book Essential). Now when I look at the dives in “This PC” the bar is red on the USB drive (both USB drives) and blue on the internal drives. It doesn’t matter whether I use USB2 or USB3. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. George
I recommend you make sure the computer is up to the with the Windows updates. Especially the ones regarding USB ports.
Also make sure the My Book drives are connected directly into a wall outlet in order to discard any power issues.
I have a My Book Essential I’m told by WD Support that was manufactured in 09. It will not work with Windows 10. No chance whatsoever. Last version of windows it worked with was Win 7.