I’ve recently begun to capture my home movie library on hard drive from video cam. I have two external drives: an older 500Gb MyBook, and a new 2Tb My Book Live. I also just installed a new Caviar Black 2Tb drive internally, to augment my 500Gb boot drive.
I’ve found that: 1) I can’t capture the video directly to a network drive, only to internal drive. 2) when I move files from internal to external drive, I get a message that ‘if you proceed you will lose attributes’… when I do proceed most of the attributes carry over, but the ‘created on’ date is changed to current day/time.
I prefer not to lose this data since I have a lot of video files and want to be able to sort them by date created. I also want to put a copy of them on external drive for backup. Is there any way to do that and maintain the ‘created’ date? (BTW, I have tried both COPY and MOVE, with same result).
Thanks for any insights.