I backup a lot of video data (sports games mainly), and have 2 2TB passports, and a 1TB passport, all nearly full.
Today I’ve been having trouble moving a 14GB file to one of the drives, it just hangs after a couple of minutes. I decided to try playing with files already on the drive, and I couldn’t get VLC to open them. I ran the Data Lifeguard test and it said “failed - too many bad sectors”. I assumed the disk was done, but I tried switching the cable out with the cable from the other 2TB HD (same cable type).
It now passed the test, and allowed me to copy the file over.
Should I assume that was the only problem? Do I need to toss that cable and buy a new one if I want to have a backup again? Or should I be more concerned that it’s a problem with the drive itself, and be looking to transfer that data over to a new drive? (The 2TB drives are only about 1.5 years old).