Hi, I have this disk from many years. Suddenly it did not work anymore, without any noise, only don’t work ( no spinning noise, bios don’t recognise it) Thinking on a electronic fail, I bought an identical disk (same model, same firmware) and I tried this: (where A is my old broken disk and B is the new disk)
-swapping logical board: disk A spin but don’t work;disk B nothing work;
- swapping bios chip ( the eeprom , eprom, nwram… I don’t know… the chip is 25U206A): disk A with B board and chip A don’t work, disk A with board A and B chip, spin but don’t work; disk B with board A and chip B it’s OK! So the A board is good and only the bios chip fail. It’s possible to repair?
I hope I explained myself. Thank you all