Please Help with Element WD TV Live smp issue

I have all my movies on a 2TB WD Elements Hard Drive.  When i plug in the hard drive recently, both the lights on the WD TV live SMP and hard drive continuously blink.  And my hard drive is never recognized.  WHn i plug the HDD into my pc it is slow but eventually recognized by the pc.  And i can access all my files.  I purchased a new hard drive but then realized it would take forever to move all the files.  SOmetimes the hard drive on the pc says k:/ not accessible  access denied.  I have run CHKDSK, defragmented, changed security settings, taken ownership.  All have helped me see it on the pc but not on the smp.  And worst of all i dont know how to share the files from my PC to the SMP.  Please can anyone help?  Either how to transfer everything quickly, get the WDTV to recognize it, or how to get it to share while i spend a month transferring the files?  I prefer to just fix it or transfer it quickly though.  Please help my gf just wants me to reformat and start over again :cry:   Thanks


Not sure why this will happen…

Has the firmware been updated recently?

Try another port on the SMP

Yes it has.  Tried all ports :frowning: