I don’t know what’s wrong with my Hard Drive but it takes a very log time to load. And once it does finally load, all the videos glitch or skip when you play it.
Today when i put it in my computer it said that it detected an error and wanted to scan it. So i did and after a very long wait, it said windows detected no errors. What? It makes no sense. I’m worried. Should I be starting to transfer my files out to another hard drive? I don’t understand the problem. Is there a way to format it?
Are you using exFAT or NTFS? If you’re using exFAT, get all the data off the drive and reformat NTFS.
Disable Twonky, Plex and reboot
Always power off NAS mode before connecting to computer in DAS mode
Keep Twonky and Plex disabled unless you are using one or the other to stream data.
I have the same problem, I have a WDWSSD with the last FW version and NTFS, I have .mov .mp4 from a GoPro, DJI Osmo action\pocket and from DJI Magic 2, all those videos have same issue, 1 sec playable and then buffering and end up with skipping.
Like Socallinux states, backup your data to somewhere. Then format the drive as NTFS. If you don’t know how, you can download WD Utilities to help you format the drive.
Check you media app player, if it has the option to reading movie file couple of seconds ahead. What I’m trying to say is set the buffering time to 5-10 seconds. Also check if your computer has enough RAMs. Most of those movie files make required more CPU/GPU/RAM power to decode.
I think you should consider using a plex server to stream your video and photos,etc…The server will handle all the decoding. You can even setup a plex server yourself or buy a NAS product that can handle stream movie to your tablet, computer, phone, etc…
I’m IT, I know what I’m doing, all this things you said I have them at home, such NAS, Plex…
What I’m trying to do, I’m trying to edit my DJI osmo action or GoPro on my iPad with LumaFusion instead on MacBook, most of the time I used my MacBook with adobe premier.
Those short footages max 1 min to create a larger one with background music.