Been a while since I used this drive, and I am refreshing myself on using it in preparation for an upcoming trip.
At the moment, I have the drive configured to join my house network.
Firmware 1.03.04. . .which is supposedly current?
After powering up the drive (either plugged in or not plugged in); I can initially view files; read files, and use the web UI interface.
However, if I let the drive “sit” for awhile, the drive LED begins to flash. . . .and I can’t seem to wake the HardDrive component up. I can access the web UI, but I can’t read the drive over the network (it seems to time out). It seems flakey.
Am I doing something wrong?
PLEX is perplexing. I just updated plex versions (now, since “an update was available”.
My “apps” (PC and Roku stick)no longer recognizes the WD Passport server. In the web UI, on the settings screen, the “configure” button seems to be driving to port 32400, on the correct IP address for the drive; but it doesn’t seem to work.
Am I doing something wrong? I think I need to get to the configuration page to . . .you know. . .configure something?
Re: “Drive timing out”. . . .
I did that. It is set to “never”.
The problem is not the “wifi disappearing”, the problem is the disk drive stops. The wifi light stays steady on; but the drive light pulses slowly. Once this happens, I can still log into the drive; but I can’t access any files.
Re: (per)plex(ed)
I suspect the fundamental problem is that “Port :32400” is simply not connecting.
I saw somewhere else that I the only way to “reset plex configuration” would be to do a full drive reset (which also wipes data). I was trying to avoid that. . . .but it is not a tragedy so I will give that a try.
FINAL QUESTION: in all my frustration, I attempted a system reset (which doesn’t wipe data). It works from the UI. . . but doesn’t seem to work when I hold the two buttons (battery and power). . . even when held for a long time. Is that normal?
PS: I now have the drive with a static IP on my network. . . it should help in general, but doesn’t seem to be affecting the issues I am currently having.
The HDD itself has auto spin down function after a period of inactivity to prolong its life and also helps not over using the battery in your MPWP. It takes roughly 10 sec to wake up. If you wait for a bit, the HDD should spin back up for data access.
As for Plex db reset, in the MPWP’s web dashboard, there is a Reset Plex db button. That button will reset your Plex build while not removing any file stored on the HDD. That way you don’t need to do a full drive reset which wipes data but looks like you choose to do the system reset without data wipe so that’ll work too.
The two button reset press requires the button press to be at the exact timing. Unless you can’t access the web dashboard, otherwise it’s easier to do the reset from there in my opinion…
Re: Drive going to sleep.
So. . . JChen thanks for the advice. . . the device does indeed wake as you suggest. I think I was being impatient. Also, pressing the battery button seems to also wake up the drive.
Re: Plex connectivity.
I have attempted the Reset Plex db button a few times, along with a media content rescan. So far . . . no joy.
I continually get the connection failure on Port :32400. Otherwise, everything seems to be working normally
Just tried the system reset. - - → turns out I hadn’t tried that yet. Was not able to do the reset by pressing buttons, but I was successful doing the reset via the web interface.
Reset proceeding . . . . . just got the web UI up and running. . . .OH DEAR … . . only reporting 635gb (out of 4TB) total space. . . that can’t be good. (EDIT: Now rebooted; that problem is fixed. . . installing Plex now. . . .base network settings all reset. . . )
. . …ok. . .progress made. Reset of system settings seems to have done the trick. I reloaded Plex, and am now able to access the configuration menus (which almost work. . .won’t let me log in to claim the server. . .which I suppose a plex software problem. . . )
Dang. . . .ran into a problem. . . .and had to do a Plex database reset. After hitting the DB reset button, I was told the device would reboot. . . . after 20 minutes. . . . no reboot occurred.
Hit power button. . . . now it doesn’t want to boot up. . . .
This Passport Pro is a S L O W device. It wants to hang. . . takes F o r e v e r to shutdown, L O N G to reboot. . . . it gets unhappy real easy. 60 seconds to load the web interface. . . . .Troubleshooting this shouldn’t take this long.
Don’t even think about “doing two things at once”. . . .
Ok. . . fundamentally. . . .this thing must have some diagnostics it occasionally runs. . . or does a content scan of some sort. When that happens. . .you don’t know. It just H A N G S. You can’t access it. . you can’t see what it is doing. You just have to wait and hope it finishes.
Two days ago, I thought this device was busted. Almost ordered a new one. The truth is that it is just slow as molasses for anything except basic file serving.
Update: Decided to turn off plex in the UI as a “reset” for wonky behavior. Turning it off in the UI won’t take. I hit the button. . . reboot from the UI. . .and come back to find plex still “on”. Turn it off. . .reboot from power button. . .plex still on.
OK. Almost done now. This took WAY too long. Especially considering that I did this 6 monthes ago when I got the drive.
I have learned patience with the drive. Sometimes, it just needs “time”.
I learned about the 10 minute drive spin down. . . and how to wake it up.
Plex is still a bit flakey. . . teach me NOT to update plex software. Had to reset the drive to get it to work. Still have an issue where I can’t “claim” the MPWP server, because it won’t let me log in.
(and it’s not like this is a fantastic server anyway. . .but it sort of works)
Don’t ever unplug the drive or try to rush a reboot. . .that produces file errors, brings on the flashing blue lights of doom. . . and forces you to run a diagnostic to fix everything.
only one problem left. . … .will open a new thread
One tip for you since you said you have the device connected to network at home. This good because with the MPW on your network you can roam around more with your mobile device to be connected to the MPW than you can if you are seated next to drive using it’s signal. Just keep in mind that when connected to your network you need a good and strong wireless connection between your MPW and your router, so place the MPW in same room as router and not necessarily near you with your mobile device.
Hint. Don’t link the MPWP Plex Account with your main Plex Account if you want to use the MPWP Plex server somewhere without internet access. It will need to call home. You can unlink from your main account if travelling.
I found Plex takes forever to develop its library. Twonky server takes just seconds and works without issue (just no pretty Interface). I find Twonky more reliable and a lot quicker.
. . .and after letting the drive sit for a month or two, I got it off the table, and tried to fire it up. Wouldn’t boot up either on wireless, or when plugged into the computer directly.
RMA’d the drive.
Replacement unit came in a week. . . . .been using the new drive for about a week.
MUCH BETTER. Seems to be working as advertised.
I understand the benefits of Twonky vs PLEX. For now, I am using it with plex. (and as SD card backup device). I will probably experiment with Twonky vs PLEX in the new year.