Just installed 3g WD Passport Ultra (WDBMWV0020BRD-05).
I get the message ‘failed to backup’.
The list of failed backup files includes.sqm, Feed-ms,.bak and a list of small(~1.5kb) files described by a long list of numbers and letters all ending in ‘d747f885516’ .
What is the reason for failing to backup these files and is it important?
Which software are you using to backup? Also, the file extensions above-mentioned are system files and do not hold your data. These files will not be backed up by regular backup programs.
Thank you for your reply.
I’m using the WD backup software that came with the HD.
It sounds from your comments that its not important that these files were not backed up.
I am having a problem with WD backup not backing up large files like .MOV and .AVI… it says FILE PENDING BACKUP. These files appears to be perpetually pending backup. Is there a size limit?