order of songs

hello there,  i’m new sansa fuze user.

bought the sansa fuze 8 GB 2 days ago.

1)when i click on music then view by  songs to see all the songs its enter song 1 than i do next its go to 340 song (i have a lot of songs) than i do next its jump to 490. its very annoying. how i fix it?

2)what is the best sort?

  1. do u recommend do upadate sansa fuze?

i will happy if u will give me more tips for a new sansa fuze user like me :slight_smile:

thanks in adavance.

Yes, update. The new firmware has Folders navigation as the last choice under Music, and will let you go through the songs by filename.

Albums, Artist, Song are lists made from ID3 tags

thx man. this version is awsome.

1 more qustion, i need the update that it can read languages right to left.

cause on this version its vice versa.

you might also check the ID3 tags of your songs.:wink:

@tz2000 wrote:

thx man. this version is awsome.


1 more qustion, i need the update that it can read languages right to left.

cause on this version its vice versa.

There is no special update from different language support. When you update the firmware and it completes, it will ask you to select your ‘region’ and then default language. Not all languages are supported, so I hope it works out for you.

@tz2000 wrote:


1 more qustion, i need the update that it can read languages right to left.

cause on this version its vice versa.

There is no special update for different language support. When you update the firmware and it completes, it will ask you to select your ‘region’ and then default language. Not all languages are supported, so I hope it works out for you.