8g Fuze + 4g card, MSC, XP Pro
Had the Fuze a month or so now and have been loading music, artwork and Podcasts quite happily over the period.
5 Podcasts have dragged’n’dropped into the internal memory’s Podcast folder and play quite happily.
However, I have noticed that following some refreshes after adding music that the Info shows the Songs" count including these Podcasts, with the Podcast count at 0. On other refresh ocassions, the Song count is accurate and the Podcast count shows 5!
As I said in the title, this is not a serious matter/problem as everything plays as it should but I would be interested to know why this happens because for the life of me I cannot identify the set of circumstances that causes one or the other to happen.
Message Edited by belgarum on 06-10-2009 03:21 PM