Until last week, I was able to use Windows Explorer to access WD backed up files under “F:\WD SmartWare.swstor\DOREENTT-PC\Volume.3274c92c.f0ca.11e1.b30b.806e6f6e6963\Users” from my work PC which does not have the WD software installed (Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit). My home laptop is Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.
Now it won’t let me and says: “You currently don’t have permission to access this folder.” If I click “Continue” it still won’t let me change anything.
I only use two computers. At home, I can access all folders on the WD drive. At work, I can access all folders except the one with all my personal files. The issue is permission related but I don’t know how it happened. I did try to set the WD drive to Share from my home but that made no difference for that folder when I tried to access it at work a second time.