No longer can access WD User folder from another computer?

Until last week, I was able to use Windows Explorer to access WD backed up files under “F:\WD SmartWare.swstor\DOREENTT-PC\Volume.3274c92c.f0ca.11e1.b30b.806e6f6e6963\Users” from my work PC which does not have the WD software installed (Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit). My home laptop is Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

Now it won’t let me and says: “You currently don’t have permission to access this folder.” If I click “Continue” it still won’t let me change anything.

I don’t know how this happened or how to undo it.

Do you have the same issue in all computers or just the work computer?

I only use two computers. At home, I can access all folders on the WD drive. At work, I can access all folders except the one with all my personal files. The issue is permission related but I don’t know how it happened. I did try to set the WD drive to Share from my home but that made no difference for that folder when I tried to access it at work a second time.

You can try copying the files to another location on the drive and see if it works.

You could also try to get ownership on the folder on the work computer.