I’m a professional photographer from The Netherlands. I use a WD Passport to backup my files. This went well up till now, but for some reason my new files are not backupped. SmartWare says they are backupped, but they are nowhere on the drive,.
I did make the mistake? to drag and drop some files form my harddrive to my Passport drive. Possibly this caused the problem?
What is the best way to correct this problem? I did run a Diagnostic check, but there were no errors reported.
I use the WD to backup my PC and my laptop. There is 1 SWSTOR directorie. with two sub directories. One for my PC and one for the laptop.
In the laptop directory there is a sub directorie . It has all the directories with my photoos in in. (175) But some are missing. I have the impression the most recent directories (made by Lightroom) are missing. I have the directory with all my subdirectories checked in SmartWare. all the subdirectories are checked. also the ones which can’t be found on the Passport drive.
This being the case are the missing files copied if they are first copied/moved into another folder already copied by WD SmartWare? This is to confirm if the particular path currently used by those files is being ignored.