New to this, not sure if I'm doing it right!

When I try and backup to my wb, the gauges don’t show my pictures being backed up. I have over 4000 taking up about 45gb but it shows 0 in both gauges after thr process. I want to delete them from my mac but don’t want to until I’m sure that they have been backed up. Is there a way that I can rest my wb and start right from scratch using Time Machine?

Where do you have the pictures saved, inside the main hard drive or a secondary hard drive?

on my mac harddrive

Just a warning don’t trust important data to just one HD no matter who makes it. You are using a Mac is the external made for Windows or Mac? A drive formatted for Windows NTFS will be read only on a Mac.


its a my book for make. It appears all other filres transfer over, but photos show 0 in the guages