the power cable/adaptor for my My Book external hard drive has broken and since I bought it a little over 2 years ago my warranty has expired. I considered myself lucky that it’s only the power cable since that would be a relatively cheap replacement. However, the only power cable that is sold in the Dutch (I’m from the Netherlands) online Western Digital store is the US power cable. Of course I could order the US power cable and use an adapter, but that solution is less than ideal. I can’t find a proper European power cable, no store seems to sell them, is there a way to buy one anywhere?
I have a WDBFJK model My Book, and the broken power cable I have is branded Ktec. I assume the power cable linked in the WD store is compatible since the model number is mentioned on the page. Just checking to be sure since my current broken cable does not mention Wattage, only Volt and Ampere.
Thanks in advance for the help, I hope I have given enough details and apologize if this has been asked before, I looked but could not find an answer yet.