I own a new My Book Essential 3TB external drive and use Win 7. I use another program to backup but it won’t connect to this drive (but does to other drives) even though I can access it through Win Explorer and move files back and forth. The message states that it can’t find the drive. My drive is connected to a new wirless router using the USB cable and that router is connected by cable to my laptop.
I decided to load the WD backup software. It installed and updated to the latest version of 1.6 but I can’t seem to do anything with it. On the Home tab the left panel shows up with my local drive files but the rest of the screen is blank and not as I’ve seen in some screenshots. The dropdown shows my C drive and one other old connected external drive (directly to my laptop) but not this new 3TB drive. The Backup and Retrieve tabs are grayed out and the Settings tab offers nothing I can use to help me. I’ve read where others suggest upgrading the firmware but I don’t see where I can do this.
Also, if I get this working is there a way to select which files I want to backup?