I have just bought this 1TB My Passport Portable HD this afternoon. Once the drive is connected to my PC it starts to spin and I do see the hard drive in disk manager, but it is not recognized in my computer. Do you think I did not install it correctely or it is the problem of the drive? I readed the FAQ and it is suggested that the drive may have a corrupted partition but I havent use it at all. Do you recommend me to go back to the store and ask for an exchange?
In disk management does the drive have a letter assigned and is it online? Also what OS are you using? Is the drive formatted correctly? Mac and Windows use different formats
Essentially nothing is wrong with the disk( I asked my friend to try it on his pc (win 7) and it worked). What i did was to “assign a letter or a path” to the PHD in the disk manager. And instantaneously the disk showed up in my computer.
Anyways, my situation was probably not very typical. But i hope it would provide some help to others if similar situation arrised.
I’m experiencing exactly the same problem as you’ve reported and I’m pleased you solved it. Unfortunately I’m not switched on enough in this field to understand how to impliment your solution. I’d be grateful, as I’m sure many other will be too, if you would provide a more fetailed step by step guide.