Whenever I run the setup of WD Smartware(x86) to be installed on a Windows xP system (x86), I found that WD setup keeps showing me this error, although the the higher version of NET frame is installed on system
Whenever I run the setup of WD Smartware(x86) to be installed on a Windows xP system (x86), I found that WD setup keeps showing me this error, although the the higher version of NET frame is installed on system
Does this mean that you have got past the other error you posted.
Thanks a lot,
No, it is not the same error, that error was because I have tried installing a 64Bit version of WD Smartware on a 32bit version of Windows.
However, this error is realted with NET FrameWork.
I have tried installing a version (1_4_5_2) of WD SmartWare, but at each time, I got this error about the WD cannot be installed on a system with smaller than 3.0 version of NET FrameWork Although I have installed a NET FrameWork 4.0, it didn’t make difference
I’ve tried unistalling NET 4.o, then reinstalling 3.5 but the same error keeps showing me whenever run the setup of WD Smartware(1_4_5_2)
The problem has been now solved,but I am repsectfully to answer my question to understand::
First: When I have tried installing the version of WD SmartWare while NET FrameWork 4.0 installed, the WDSmartware setup keeps showing me that the WDSmarte cannot be installed on a system with a NET FrameWord smaller than 3.0.
However, When I uninstalled NET 4.0 and then reinstalled NET 3.5, then I saw that WD Smartware was installed properly. However, after I installed NET 3.5 FrameWork, I saw that the Remove\add programsbecame full of NET FrameWorks as you will see in this screenshot if you could see it. This is really strange or maybe I did something wrong.
Second : Is Redistributable necessary to be installed?
I really have installed Redistributable and then NET 3.5, then the problem has been solved, thus I am confused what has solved the problem.
Third: Then WD SmartWare( installed asks me to update it, then if I update it which NET FrameWork, I need, NET 4 or the same NET 3.5 installed will be enough
Finally: Why did whoever designed this WD SmartWar let it need NET FramWork to be installed? It reall exhuasted me ver much. Even I don’t what benefit of installing NET FramWork until now?
So both of your problems have now been overcome. Could I suggest that you make it clear on your other post that you no longer require assistance.
As to Net Framework and Visual C++ these are things that are required by the WD program to enable it to work. A number of programs are built around these items.
Its also not unusual to have different versions on your computer. For example I have Visual C++ 2005, Visual C++ 2008 and Visual C++ 2010 on my computer.
The WD program obviously requires the 3.5 version of the program and all you needed to do was install it. Other programs may need the 4.0 version. I will agree that the error message should say that 3.5 is needed as it does give the impression that 4.0 should be OK.
Quote from Microsoft.
In general, you should not uninstall any versions of the .NET Framework from your computer, because an app you use may depend on a specific version and may break if that version is removed. Multiple versions of the .NET Framework can be loaded on a single computer at the same time. This means that you do not have to uninstall previous versions in order to install a later version.
richUK wrote:
So both of your problems have now been overcome. Could I suggest that you make it clear on your other post that you no longer require assistance.
Yes, if course, I will do, but the program WD Samrtware keeps showing me that update is available, thus do you think that this 3.5 NET will be enough for all the latest of WDSmart?