I just purchased a myPassport Essential 500Gb. I was hoping to simply using it like a Flash drive and drag and drop the folders that I want to copy from my laptop to the drive. I see the drive as Drive E but when I try and drag and drop a folder or create a new folder, I get an error message saying that the Disk is either locked or I do not have access. :robotmad:
It seems like I absolutely have to use the WD back-up software. Is this true or is there a way to simply use it like a normal harddrive and drag and drop files to and from the drive?
I just answered my own question. When you connect your Essential it shows up as two drives. One acts like a non-writable CD drive E. It also shows up as a regular external harddrive as “my Passport” with drive letter F. That’s the drive that you can just write to like a plain old flash drive or external drive. Duh!
So I just bought a Passport 500 GB for the purpose of putting files on it, not to use as a backup machine just like you.
Have you tried putting files on it?
Can you put an application on it, like Kodak Easy Share and all the picture files that go into it? Or I tunes and all the music that I have on my laptop.
I bought the passport thinking I could free up a lot of space on my laptop.
Is that what you did? Were you successfull and how did you do it?