MyPassport 2TB, Encrypted, WIndows 2008r2 Unrecognized?

Has anyone run into this problem?

Backed up data from Windows 2003 server. Data encrypted with the built in software.

System sent to data center and hooked up to Windows 2008r2 but it is not recognized.

Does the MyPassport 2tb have issues with server 2008r2? Do we need to install drivers onto the 2008r2 machine?

Thanks for any assistance,


Hello and welcome, 

Windows 2008r2 is  not officially supported, but be sure to connect the Passport directly to one of the PC USB ports, avoid using extension USB cables or USB hubs, since this might cause power inconsistencies. If the problem continues try connecting the Passport to a PC with a supported OS (Windows XP/Vista/7/8) and try disabling the password momentarily. 

Thanks for the suggestion Ichigo. It looks like the drive was able to mount onto another Windows 2008r2 server, and we were able to access the drive. It’s still not clear why it wouldn’t mount on the other server. Hopefully we can get our data off of the drive now. Sadly because I don’t have direct access to our servers I can’t really say what may be different about them that would have caused this.