I have two Mybook Mirror Edition 2TB (Raid 1) and Windows 7 64 bit. My problems is that the software WD Drive manager v.2.115 dosent work. When I click on the WDBtnMgrUI nothing happens only with WdRAIDMgrUI. The disks work well with Windows plug and play. I have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player v.12. Of cource I will have the WD Drive Manager software working and hopefully use the drivers from WD. Has it to do with Windows 7 64 bit? Someone who have any advice about this?
Another smaller problem is that one of the drivers has not the WD icon in the disk table and instead a default Windows icon. I have tested to change with different methods but all the time failed. I have tested with the free software “My drive icon 1.0” and put autorun with original WD icon in the same drive catalog. Other disks not WD I can easy change icon. Rights and administrator status I have shanged but no difference. Someone who have any advice about this?
Perhaps installing the latest version available for the WD Drive Manager will be able to address this behavior. You are able to download the file from the following link:
Thanks for advice. I have clean my registry by Ccleaner and after that I click on the latest program WD Drive manager and nothing happend. The program won`t popup. Has it mayby to do with my Adobe Flash Player 12?
The application does not require Adobe Flash. For testing purposes, do you encounter the same behavior by running the application in compatibility mode for Microsoft Windows XP?