MyBook Essential partition table recovery

Hello WD community!

Bear with me, I did multiple stupid things one after the other! So, my external drive was about to die, I had file explorer crashes constantly when trying to access my data so, naively, I thought I would put the HD on a sata-to-usb adaptor and transfer my data somewhere more safe. I’m on a Windows machine, so when I connected the drive it showed as unallocated and so I initialized it with the default GPT option. Now it shows up in Windows but it cannot be opened because “the volume does not contain a recognized file system” and it asks me to format the drive. The same happens when I connect with the USB, so I’m guessing the WD SATA bridge is fine and my original problems come from bad sectors in the HD (it has fallen down from the desk a couple of times). The question is, can I recover the original MBR partition table and retrieve my data or have I lost them forever?? Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

Hi @JimmyDS ,

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